Shiree Kitchen . Room 116 . . 801-756-8531 281 N 200 E American Fork, UT 84003

Disclosure Document and Homework guide

What’s “Cookin” in the KITCHEN?
Text Box:                                      “A Feast of Learning”
                       Grade Disclosure Document 2016-2017
                        Shiree Kitchen

This year in second grade we will expand and refine what we learned in first grade.  I am excited to be teaching your child and hope to have a positive influence on their life.  This is my 29th year of teaching- 15 in Alpine School District and 14 in a preschool in my home.  I am happily married and the proud mother of 6 children, and 1 grandson, who all attended Forbes Elementary (except my grandson). I am looking forward to a wonderful year working in a partnership with you and your child.

Communication:  I believe in communication between school and home.  You are welcome to contact me at school, and I will be happy to reply to emails. My email is  Please don’t call during school hours unless it is an emergency.  I teach from 8:00-3:30 and I am at school from 7:30-4:00.  I have a blog at  I will send import information by email, notes with homework on Monday, and post on my blog.

Curriculum:  The specific objectives and standards that your child will be learning are available on the Internet at
Reading:  Most of our day is spent reading and building strategies that will help your child become a better reader and love to read.

The only homework this year will be reading and word work. We will be using Raz-Kids online to track reading and it will count as part of your child’s reading grade each week. If you do not have access to the Internet, please let me know by filling out the Raz-Kids page and I will send books from the Take-Home Library for your student. Reading at least four books per week is required on Raz-Kids. This includes listening, reading, and passing the quiz at the end of each book (shown by three green checks). If you are participating in the Take-Home Reading, at least four books will need to be read each week. A parent or guardian initial will be required on the take home page for each
book read. These books will go home on Monday and need to be returned every Friday with signatures.

In addition, there will be a Weekly Overview (word work) of words sent home that we are learning. Students must be able to use these words correctly in speaking, reading, and writing. The spelling patterns should also be readily recognizable in words that are not listed, but that follow the same pattern.
I will email you some extra work each week for students who want a challenge or need extra practice. It is optional and students will receive a treat or token for going the extra mile. You will need to download and return these assignments on Fridays. Students will not be allowed to call home if they forget their books. They should pack their book bags at night with all the materials needed for the next day. Organization is
a key to success! 

Math Drills
In my experience, students cannot move on to higher level reasoning in mathematics until they master their basic math facts. In addition to regular math assignments, your child will be performing drills until he or she has mastered the basic facts. You can help your child prepare by studying with flashcards or having them spend 15 minutes a day working with an online math fact program or app. You can even call out math facts to your child while driving in the car or waiting in the doctor’s office! Mastering addition and subtraction up to 20 can be particularly challenging, so when everyone knows their math facts we will celebrate with an ice cream party!

Water Bottles
I permit my students to bring a water bottle to school to keep by their desks during the day and to use at recess. Plain water is the only beverage permitted, and the bottle must have a secure lid. Water bottles should be taken home regularly to be cleaned.

Spelling Program and Word Work
My spelling program is very flexible and is based on the needs of my students. The Weekly Overview page that comes home the first day of each full or four-day week will be used daily in the classroom. It is important that your child learn these words. We will be working on then in class all week. Students will be assessed on their knowledge of these words using writing and oral assessments. This means NO SPELLING TESTS. I believe that it is much more important for students understand vocabulary and word meanings than using rote memorization to spell just for a test. We will be putting their words to use in daily practice instead of having a traditional Friday spelling test.

Content: Specialty Teachers will teach content areas P.E., Health, Music and Computers. We will do monthly art projects, journals, experiments, readings and projects for our Science and Social Study units.

Grading:  Class work will be sent home daily and it would be wonderful if a parent would go thorough their child’s backpack and talk to them about what they did each day and see how they are doing.  I try to grade math papers daily.  Daily work is just practice.  Test and graded assignments will be sent home stapled together with the Teacher’s weekly note on every Monday. Grades will be entered on Skyward in a timely fashion.  I try to update grades every Friday.  Your child will receive an “O” for outstanding, “S” for satisfactory or “N” for needs improvement.

Attendance:  It is important that your child is at school unless they are sick.  Much of what we do is hands on and it is difficult to make up.  District policy states that the teacher must call home after a student misses 3 consecutive days.

Discipline:   We have 4 class rules in our class- “BE SAFE, BE RESPECTFUL, BE RESPONSIBLE, and BE COURTEOUS”.  We practice all of these in class and have set up rewards and consequences for our actions.  I feel children need to be accountable for their behavior and I give positive reinforcement for good behavior.  If a child’s behavior is disruptive to our class they will practice the right behavior, conference with the teacher and if it continues the parent will be contacted.

Supplies:  Our class is always in need of dry erase markers (Not BLACK), pencils (sharpen), sanitizing wipes, and Kleenex and paper towels. Any donations will be appreciated.

Volunteers:  I welcome and need volunteers to help listen to children read, practice Fry Phrases, phonic lessons and math facts.

I want every student in my class to have a wonderful year where they feel safe, and become better socially and academically.  Working together as a teacher, student, parent, class and school we can have a fantastic year.  I am a teacher because I love to teach. I have great satisfaction when I have those “Aw-Ha!” experiences, when the lights turn on for your children and they love to come to school, when they love to learn, and when they know they are important to me and to their classmates.  Working together we will achieve excellence!

Mrs. Kitchen